Going green!
Thau's English department is also taking part in Fent Verd's projects. English teachers and class tutors work together to achieve a more meaningful outcome with great and motivating results. Join us to find out more about some of these green adventures.
Let's go!
Primary 1
The enormous carrot
After Christmas, primary 1 students start The Enormous Carrot play, an adaptation of a short story about a family who plants carrots in the garden. This is an introduction to their Fent Verd project, L'hort.
Primary 4
Green shade
At the beginning of the course, in Autumn, temperatures are nice and our students enjoy being outside. This is why it's a good time to go out and investigate whether their playground has enough shaded areas for them to be when summer comes. In this project, which we do during the workshop class, students learn how to grow a green wall using fast-growing plants, such as peas or other climber plants, to increase the shaded areas in our playground.
Primary 5
Compost week
Students start learning how to compost in English, talking about "browns" and "greens", types of organic material and the orther which they should follow when making a compost pile. By the time they start their Fent Verd project, students already know a lot about the process, which makes it easier for them to put into practise.
Here you can read more about it!